• Kitchen & Bath Fixtures
  • Counter Tops
  • Faucets Residential & Commercial
  • Food Waste Disposers
  • Toilets Residential & Commercial
  • Water Heaters, Gas & Electric

sewer & drain


No matter what kind of water you have running from one place to another, we're experts.

  • Sump Pumps
  • Ejector Pumps 
  • Lawn & Area Drains
  • Floor Drains
  • Smoke Testing Odor Location
  • Pipe, Septic Tank Location


About Us

  • Color Video Inspections
  • Hydrojetting
  • Main Line Stoppages
  • Drain Stoppages
  • Roof Drains
  • Clean-Outs Installed
  • Water line repair replacement
  • Drain line repair replacement
  • Sump pump & well pump repairs
  • Water pressure issues
  • Leaking pipes
  • Faucet repair & replacement
  • Backflow testing
  • heater repair, replacement
  • Gas piping
  • Drain cleaning


We've seen every kind of fixture known to man, and we've help install them, too.


If you don't think of plumbers when you think of heating, let us change that.

  • Wall Heaters
  • Floor Heaters
  • Solar Systems
  • Gas Company Red Tags
  • Thermostats
  • Gas Space Heaters

Sometimes a job requires something new, something different, something totally unique. 


In addition to plumbing, we also offer a full fabrication service. Most often, we produce pieces to fit outdated, no-longer-produced sizes of pipes.


However, we're also pretty handy at creating all-new fixtures. If you have a vision, but haven't been able to find the fixture in real life, give us a call.

Learn more about our services


Conventional Trenchless Technologies

For big jobs, we've got everything you need to get them up and running.